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Classes and Functions

class Note 


	private : 

		int midiNote;                 // values 1 to 127; 0 reserved for "undefined" 

		char dynamic;                 // ppp=1-16, pp=17-31, p=32-47, mp=48-63 mf=64-79, f=80-95, ff=96-111, fff=112-127; 0 reserved for "undefined or Niente" 

		char rythmicValue;            // 1= whole, 2=half, 4= qtr, 8=8th, 16=16th...; 0 reserved for "undefined" 

		char pitch;                   // vales 'A' to 'G', 0 reserved for "undefined" 

		char accidental;              // 'n' = natural; 's' = sharp; 't' = double sharp; 'f' = flat; 'e' = double flat; 0 reserved for "no accidental" 

		unsigned int octave;	   // values 1 to 10; 0 reserved for "undefined" 

		unsigned int scaleDegree; 	   // values 1 to 12; 0 reserved for "undefined" 

	public : 

		Note(); 			                  // default constructor 

		Note(Key &, unsigned int , unsigned int ); 	// arguments are Key, scale degree and octave (for range) 

		~Note(); 					// destructor 

		void setMidiNote( int ); 

		void setDynamic( char ); 

		void setRythmicValue( char ); 

		void setPitch( char ); 

		void setAccidental( char ); 

		void setOctave( unsigned int ); 

		void setScaleDegree( unsigned int ); 

		int getMidiNote() const ; 

		char getDynamic() const ; 

		char getRythmicValue() const ; 

		char getPitch() const ; 

		char getAccidental() const ; 

		unsigned int getOctave() const ; 

		unsigned int getScaleDegree() const ; 

		void printAllProperties() const ; 

		void printMusicalProperties() const ; 

		void printPitch() const ; 




class Key 


	private : 	

		char pitches[ 7 ]; 		// 7 diatonic pitches of a key signature 

		char accidentals[ 7 ];		// 7 related accidentals of that key (natural when no accidental) 

		bool isMajor; 			// key quality 


	public : 


		Key( char , char , bool ); 


		void setPitches( char );			// argument is the tonic pitch 

		void setAccidentals( char );		// argument is the tonic accidental 

		char getPitch( unsigned int ) const ;	// returns the pitch name of specified scale degree 

		char getAccidental( unsigned int ) const ; 	// returns the accidental of specified scale degree 

		bool getQuality() const ; 

		void printKeyName() const ; 




class Chord 


	private : 

		Note chord[ 4 ]; 				// the 4 notes of the chord

		unsigned int rootScaleDegree; 		// scale degree of the root of the chord (values 1 to 7) 

		Quality quality; 				// quality of the chord (Major, Minor, Diminished, etc...)

		bool isSeventhChord; 			// whether the chord is 7th or not

		Inversion inversion; 			// inversion of the chord


	public : 

		Chord (); 

		Chord( unsigned int , Quality, bool , Inversion, Key &); 


		void buildChord(Key &); 			// main algorithm that builds the chord


		unsigned int getRootScaleDegree() const ; 

		Inversion getInversion() const ; 

		Note getNote( unsigned int ) const ;	        //argument is the index of the note in the chord (0-3) 

		void printRomanChordName() const ; 

		void printChordMusicalProperties() const ; 

		void printAllProperties() const ; 




class Progression 


	private : 
                  unsigned int numChords;     // the number of chords in the chord progression std::vector<HarmonicFunction> harmonicFunctions;   // vector will hold harmonic function for each chord of the progression std::vector<Chord> chordProgression;     // vector of chords public : Progression(); Progression(Key &, unsigned int );     // arguments are key signature and number of chords in the chord progression ~Progression(); Chord getChord( unsigned int ) const ;     // argument is the index within the progression unsigned int getNumChords() const ; void generateTonic( unsigned int , Key &);         // function that randomly generate chords of the Tonic family void generatePredominant( unsigned int , Key &);      // function that randomly generate chords of the Predominant family void generateDominant( unsigned int index, Key &k);   // function that randomly generate chords of the Dominant family };
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